18.00-19.30 “Visualizing and Musifying EEG signals from the Brain” lecture by composer and musician Jachin Pousson
In this lecture researcher and musician Jachin Pousson will present a Brain-Computer Music Interface (BCMI) that analyses patterns in the EEG signal and maps them to musical and visual outputs in real-time. This tool opens a new way of expressing and understanding ourselves as well as each other. In this lecture, a BCMI system developed in collaboration between JVLMA and Vilnius University will be demonstrated using offline EEG data collected from musicians during live performance.
Jachin Pousson is a composer and musician, exploring the use of modern technology for composition, performance and musical instrument design. He received education in composition at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen and Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music in Riga, earning a Masters degree in 2015. He currently works as a researcher at JVLMA’s Systematic Musicology department in the field of Brain-Computer Music Interfacing while pursuing a doctoral degree in Systematic Musicology. Lecture is organised in cooperation with MUSICA HUMANA un CONNECT&CREATE Latvia.
During RSU Science Week, the most important scientific event of Rīga Stradiņš University, the Open Science Month will begin at the RSU Anatomy Museum with an exhibition titled 'Points of View: on Illusions, Perception and Why We See the World Differently.' From March 30 to April 30, the museum will showcase visual illusions created by Italian scientist Baingio Pinna and Japanese scientist Akiyoshi Kitaoka, and those interested can participate in popular science lectures and workshops related to illusions, perception, and why we see the world differently. The Open Science Month at the Anatomy Museum of Rīga Stradiņš University was created in cooperation with researcher visual perception researcher Prof. Baingio Pinna (IT) and reasercher of perception and cognitive sciences prof. Jurģis Šķilters (LV).
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