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BONES. During the first class we will draw the bones of the human skeleton using soft and hard colour pencils and graphite on paper, and create short term and long term drawings.

Artist Laimdota Malle: “Drawing is a tool we can use to understand and study things we are looking at. It requires careful and focused attention and also teaches to articulate movements with a pencil on paper.  During the first class we will study the human skeleton and its parts sketching, using construction and drawing. There will be settings of various levels of complexity.”

The museum's collection of bone preparations ranges from very tiny to huge — we even have a vertebra of a whale once used as a seat in the Students' Scientific Society. The collection of skulls has the largest number of specimen — there are around 600 skulls of different inhabitants of Latvia, the oldest being the skull of an ancient Semigallian, who lived in the 6th century, and was found during excavations in the vicinity of Dobele. The most famous specimen that visitors of the museum are likely to remember the best is the skeleton of Lukstiņš which is the subject of different tales. Jānis Teodors Lukstiņš (1898–1925) who was 27 years old was the first person to bequeath his body voluntarily to the anatomical theatre. His skeleton has been in the Anatomy Museum since 1925. 

In anatomy or art, no prior knowledge is necessary. Take the drawings created during the lessons with you and surprise your family and friends!  

The workshop fee is 25 EUR (including all necessary materials and light refreshments).
Tickets can be purchased here.
Event time: March 7th, from 17:30 to 19:30
Age: from 14 years old.
Limited number of participants (up to 20).

Laimdota Malle has graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University Master’s programme in the United Kingdom and the Master’s programme of the Latvian Academy of Art. Presently Laimdota Malle is the residing artist in the RSU Anatomy Museum.


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