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18.00-18.45 “Illusions and Paradoxes of Mind” lecture by prof. Baingio Pinna
18.15-19.15 “ANIMANTIBUS” Butō dance performance in the permanent exhibitions


Baingio Pinna is one of the world's leading researchers in visual perception. He is a professor of psychology at the University of Sassari in Sardinia and a visiting professor at Riga Stradiņš University. The principles of visual perception and illusions discovered by Pinna, such as the watercolor and apparent rotation illusions, form the basis of much modern perceptual research.  

The lecture "Illusions and Paradoxes of Mind"will explore some new illusions and paradoxes as phenomena emerging from the basic principles of perceptual organization. The main purpose is to answer the following questions: What is the role of perceptual laws in the emergence of illusions and visual paradoxes? Is there and, if any, what is the dividing line between illusions and non illusions? Are illusions and paradoxes rare phenomena? Why do illusions and paradoxes exist? What is their perceptual, biological and evolutionist role?

Parallel to the opening lecture of "Points of View," you will be able to watch butō dance performance "ANIMANTIBUS" at the museum permanent exhibitions. Everyone will be invited to encounter perception, reality, illusion, movement, and life in the aesthetics of butō art. The performance will seek answers and ask questions about movement and stillness, illusion and reality, eternity and transience, and soul and body.

Admission to Open Science Month events with a museum ticket

During RSU Science Week, the most important scientific event of Riga Stradins University, the Open Science Month will begin at the RSU Anatomy Museum with an exhibition titled 'Viewpoints: about illusions, perception and why we see the world differently.' From March 30 to April 30, the museum will showcase visual illusions created by Italian scientist Baingio Pinna and Japanese scientist Akiyoshi Kitaoka, and those interested can participate in popular science lectures and workshops related to illusions, perception, and why we see the world differently. The Open Science Month at the Anatomy Museum of Riga Stradins University was created in cooperation with researcher visual perception researcher Prof. Baingio Pinna (IT) and reasercher of perception and cognitive sciences prof. Jurģis Šķilters (LV).


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